An Exercise In Advertisement - How To Choose The Right Colours

When it comes to exercise related ads there are colours you should use and others you shouldn't. Particular colour combinations should be avoided. The colours you chose will make all the difference to how your advertisement is perceived by the shopper. Here are colours you should and shouldn't use.

You should use red. This colour represents speed. Nations like Canada have a competitive advantage since their Olympic athletes wear red. Red also represents urgency and attention. Red also optimizes performance and it's the best colour to have for a gym add or for exercise equipment.

Avoid red and yellow combinations. This pairing believe it or not, is associated with food and hunger. It's the reason many fast food restaurants use this pairing. It's not so great when it comes to using it for exercise advertising.

Avoid blue colours. In a gym environment blue isn't the best colour choice. This colour has the least amount of energy and speed. It's also associated with depression. If you do need to use blue for your product use lighter tones and even electric blue for your colour choice.

Asides from colour and design, you need to have a professional display. acrylic light boxes optimize product advertisement. They offer a unique sleek design that is brilliantly lit a back lit display. They come is a  variety of models to choose from including, snap frame light boxes, fabric display light boxes, edge lit liht boxes, slim profile light boxes and more.


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